Get to Know me!

Julio David Zuarth Gonzalez

          In 2012 I became an exchange student during my senior year of high school in North Carolina.  One of the reasons I decided to embark in such a journey was because, I did not know what career path I wanted to follow. I thought an experience like this would give me some more insight to my future.  Indeed it did, I got to share unforgettable memories with wonderful people from the United States and from 50+ countries.  This multicultural experience made me very interested in international interactions and cooperation. 

          Doing some research I found a major in International Relations. This major focuses on the relationships of countries, governments, people, and organizations around the world.  It is also multi-disciplinary and gives me a very broad range of job sectors. I settled to come back to the United States to study International Relations. For convenience I decided to come at first to the area where I was during my exchange year.  CCC&TI was the nearest college and was more practical financially for obtaining my associate’s degree before transferring. 

          Upon beginning my formal education at Caldwell Community College, I began to realize I had a strong passion for psychology. I have begun to consider attempting to double major in psychology and international relations. After transferring to a university and obtaining my bachelor’s degree, I would like to work abroad. In some sector that allows me to help in the development of nations and its people. I want to throw myself into the world but before I do, I want a solid foundation that only college education can provide me.

Academic Plan

Caldwell Community College & Technical Institute 2014-2016

East Tennessee State University 2016-2018 


my name is julio zuarth

My College Choices 

            Major in International Relations

ETSU is located in Johnston City, Tennessee.  Johnston city is a small city, about 2 hours away from Caldwell County which is where my American host family and friends live. I really like swimming, I try to go swim almost every morning. ETSU offers a lap swim pool for students. ETSU is one of the only colleges that offer a 50% scholarship for international students, usually financial aid for international students is very limited. I want to live on campus when I attend ETSU.

Major International studies concentration on Latin American Studies

Kalamazoo Collage is located in Kalamazoo, Michigan. One of the advantages of this location is that the headquarters of F.L.A.G.(Foreign Links around the Globe) are located there. I am a part of the alumni of this exchange student organization and have been offered a job if I am able to move up there.  Kalamazoo College offers many multicultural opportunities on campus and they also have a pool and even a swim team. If I get to attend Kalamazoo College I would rather living on campus. 

Major International studies concentration on
Comparative Studies

UNCC offers some advantages, one of them is that it is located in the biggest metropolitan area of North Carolina. UNCC is very active with student’s life and offers a variety of opportunities to get involve in campus live outside the classroom. UNCC holds multiple artistic and cultural events, they also offer a variety of sports including swimming. UNCC has several fast food and dining places all around campus.